With dental veneers, you can renovate your smile, while keeping your teeth healthy. Veneers were introduced in the late 1920s and used on movie sets to help give actors a perfect smile during filming. However, at this time, they were temporary and never considered a permanent treatment option.
However, thanks to new technology, thousands of dentists offer porcelain veneers to patients who are ready to transform their smile.
Getting to Know Dental Veneers
Modern dental veneers are made of porcelain and fabricated to match your teeth. Your dentist will adhere them to the surface of your teeth, carefully, and when in place, they will effectively mask severe stains, cracks, and chips.
Veneers are also a viable option to change the shape of the teeth, and dentists also use them to change the appearance of crooked teeth, close gaps between teeth, and elongate worn down teeth.
To put traditional veneers in place, your dentist must remove a layer of enamel from the front of your teeth, However, if you opt for no-prep veneers, you dentist may not have to remove any enamel.
Who is a Candidate for Dental Veneers?
Porcelain veneers are a great option for many dental patients. Some of the signs you are a good candidate for veneers are listed here.
1. Your Teeth are Severely Stained
While modern teeth whitening treatments are effective at treating mild and moderate cases of discoloration, darker stains won’t respond to whitening products. With porcelain veneers you have an option to cover the stains, including internal discoloration caused by decay or old fillings.
2. You Have Minor Cosmetic Issues
Porcelain veneers are very effective at concealing misshapen teeth, cracks, and chips. While dental bonding can also help fix these issues, veneers offer the most lifelike correction possible.
3. Several Cosmetic Issues
Porcelain veneers are a versatile treatment. For example, you may have slightly crooked teeth, several stained teeth, a chipped tooth, or another similar issue, and with veneers you can fix all three. Without this treatment, you would have to invest in three different procedures to achieve the desired results.
4. You Have Good Overall Oral Health
Before you undergo any cosmetic dentistry procedure, make sure you have healthy gums and teeth. However, after the proper restorative treatment, you can still get veneers.
5. Plenty of Tooth Enamel
Veneer adheres to your enamel. While your dentist must remove some enamel to make room for the porcelain, the underlying layer stays in place. If you don’t have enough enamel, the veneer won’t have a surface that is strong enough to properly bond.
Are You Ready for Dental Veneers?
As you can see, dental veneers can help with an array of tooth-related imperfections and issues. Be sure to talk with your dentist if you are interested in this cosmetic procedure. They can evaluate your teeth and overall oral health to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment. If so, you can improve your smile and self-esteem.
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